Thursday 5 November 2009

A Flat-Packed Christmas (Article from CR)

This article has been taken from the creative review blog.

"We first saw Alexander Glenn's work as part of his Nottingham Trent University degree show at the New Designers event last summer. Being the nice chap that he is, the young designer stayed in touch; even including us on his Christmas card list. And here's what he sent: an Ikea-style, flat-packed Christmas tree that you can assemble and proudly stand on your desk. It comes complete with instructions and that all important hotline number you can ring in case some of the bits are missing (rather more helpfully, this one puts you in contact with Glenn's own studio)..."

"Of his Christmas card Glenn reveals that, as well as offering seasonal greetings, it "looks at the throw-away society and mass consumerism especially around Christmas time. The idea of a flat-pack Christmas card reflected this idea and lent itself to Ikea's furniture, while making it cheap to post too. Recipients can then build their own Christmas card, which is more interesting than a bit of folding card."

"The accompanying instructions:"

This article has been taken from the creative review blog.

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